
Important! (New blog)

Hey blogging world!
Just popping in to let you know I've switched over to Wordpress! The new address is: mariallouise.com
"Louise" is my middle name, but we spelled it with 2 "l"s because that was the only domain available. Ha!

So, head on over there and subscribe, will ya? I'm trying to be a better blogger....I want to be more "intentional" with my posts and also blog more frequently.

I love my new design SO MUCH. Hannah did it, of course, and she nailed it. Got just what I didn't even know I was looking for. Haha. Funny story: I asked her if she was going to post about designing my blog and she said, "No. I don't post about shady deals with suspicious characters." HAHA. That made me laugh...thought I'd share. :)

Thanks for following me, you guys. I truly appreciate it. Love you, people!

1 comment:

Rissi said...

BIG CONGRATS, Maria. Off to check out this new space now. :)